quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2010

O tempo

O inverno...
Tudo isso vai passar.

Essa sinusite chata vai passar também.
Tudo um dia passa, até uva passa!

As estratégias,
O frio,
Meu medo de te amar,
a coragem que sinto,
A vaidade,
A falsidade,
A juventude e a velhice
Tudo isso vai passar.

Tudo isso vai passar.

O Sonho também vai passar,
Porque conseguirei trazê-lo a realidade
Chuva ácida,
Dia frio sem sol
A calmaria,
Também vão passar.

Meu amor platônico,
Meu amor insano,
Minha loucura em te querer.
Tudo isso vai passar
Algum dia vai passar.

Com o tempo tudo vai passar, vai mudar,
Algumas amizades irão passar
Esse silêncio deformador também vai passar!

Hoje somente desejo, que essa vida não tenha dias iguais como um rio que não deságua em nenhum lugar.

Have, Had, Has

38 manners to said Have.

hav; unstressed huh v, uh v; for 26 usually haf] Show IPA verb and auxiliary verb, present singular 1st person have, 2nd have or ( Archaic) hast, 3rd has or ( Archaic) hath, present plural have; past singular 1st person had, 2nd had or ( Archaic) hadst or had·dest, 3rd had, past plural had; past participle had; present participle hav·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
to possess; own; hold for use; contain: He has property. The work has an index.
to hold, possess, or accept in some relation, as of kindred or relative position: He wanted to marry her, but she wouldn't have him.
to get, receive, or take: to have a part in a play; to have news.
to experience, undergo, or endure, as joy or pain: Have a good time. He had a heart attack last year.
to hold in mind, sight, etc.: to have doubts.
to cause to, as by command or invitation: Have him come here at five.
to be related to or be in a certain relation to: She has three cousins. He has a kind boss.
to show or exhibit in action or words: She had the crust to refuse my invitation.
to be identified or distinguished by; possess the characteristic of: He has a mole on his left cheek. This wood has a silky texture.
to engage in or carry on: to have a talk; to have a fight.
to partake of; eat or drink: He had cake and coffee for dessert.
to permit or allow: I will not have any talking during the concert.
to assert, maintain, or represent as being: Rumor has it that she's going to be married.
to know, understand, or be skilled in: to have neither Latin nor Greek.
to beget or give birth to: to have a baby.
to hold an advantage over: He has you there.
to outwit, deceive, or cheat: We realized we'd been had by an expert con artist.
to control or possess through bribery; bribe.
to gain possession of: There is none to be had at that price.
to hold or put in a certain position or situation: The problem had me stumped. They had him where they wanted him.
to exercise, display, or make use of: Have pity on him.
to invite or cause to be present as a companion or guest: We had Evelyn and Everett over for dinner. He has his bodyguard with him at all times.
to engage in sexual intercourse with.
–verb (used without object)
to be in possession of money or wealth: There are some who have and some who have not.
–auxiliary verb
(used with a past participle to form perfect tenses): She has gone. It would have been an enjoyable party if he hadn't felt downcast.
to be required, compelled, or under obligation (fol. by infinitival to, with or without a main verb): I have to leave now. I didn't want to study, but I had to.
Usually, haves. an individual or group that has wealth, social position, or other material benefits ( contrasted with have-not).
—Verb phrase
have at, to go at vigorously; attack: First he decided to have at his correspondence.
had better / best, ought to: You'd better go now, it's late.
had rather. rather ( def. 7 ) .
have done, to cease; finish: It seemed that they would never have done with their struggle.
have had it,
to become weary of or disgusted with whatever one has been doing: I've been working like a fool, but now I've had it.
to suffer defeat; fail: He was a great pitcher, but after this season he'll have had it.
to have missed a last opportunity: He refused to take any more excuses and told them all that they'd had it.
to become unpopular or passé: Quiz shows have had it.
have it coming, to merit or deserve: When they lost their fortune, everyone said that they had it coming.
have it in for, to plan or wish to do something unpleasant to; hold a grudge against: She has it in for intelligent students who fail to use their abilities.
have it out, to come to an understanding or decision through discussion or combat: We've been in disagreement about this for a long time, and I think we should have it out, once and for all.
have on,
to be clothed in; be wearing: She had on a new dress.
to have arranged or planned: What do you have on for Christmas?
to tease (a person); make the butt of a joke. Compare put ( def. 35 ) .
have to do with,
to be connected or associated with: Your lack of confidence probably had a lot to do with your not getting the job.
to deal with; be concerned with: I will have nothing to do with their personal squabbles.
to have and to hold, to possess legally; have permanent possession of: The house, with the mortgage finally paid, was at last their own to have and to hold.

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I HAVE a love!

quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010


Por acaso li um texto que relata sobre idéia (do tempo que idéia era idéia e não ideia), e comecei a pensar na infinidade de ideias que eu tenho todos os dias e por algum motivo qualquer eu as deixo de lado pra quem sabe um dia ir lá busca-las e coloca-las em pratica.

O texto faz pensar da seguinte maneira: Se deixamos uma ideia de lado, será bem provavel que a mesma não servirá para outra ocasião, em outro tempo, talvez a ideia tão boa não estará mais adequada para aquela fase da vida.

No último domingo tive uma idéia muito boa, que com certeza iria dar certo por um bom tempo, iria me fazer feliz, mas (toda ideia boa tem um mas, porém, todavia, contudo), deixei ela guardada lá em casa, e já na segunda-feira a minha boa ideia não era mais útil.

Afinal, como saberei se é uma boa ideia?
O que é uma boa ideia para você?
Quem pode fazer as melhores ideias?
Quando? em que momento precisamos de ideias?

Quem sabe, se eu tivesse lido o bendito texto antes.

O certo é, só saberei que é uma boa ideia no momento que coloca-la em prática;
boa ideia é aquela que me fará aprender algo na vida, não importa se for algo bom ou ruim;
as melhores ideias são feitas pelas pessoas que amam a vida, que amam o que fazem, pelas pessoas otimistas!
Ideias são bem-vindas em todos os momentos da vida, uma ideia pode salvar uma alma, pode solucionar problemas, ajudar nas horas mais trágicas, nos momentos de alegria, uma ideia pode te levar a loucura!

Pense nisso! E façamos hoje tudo aquilo que está ao nosso alcance.

Leia o texto: "Uma ideia toda azul"